Fat Loss

6 Week Carb Cycling Workout Plan and Diet

6 Week Carb Cycling Workout Plan and Diet

There are thousands (if not, millions) of weight loss workout plans on the internet. They all contain basically the same information (eat less, move more, etc.) repackaged and dressed up with a few different exercises.

That’s not this program...not even close.

Our carb cycling program isn’t designed to help you lose just a few pounds. Our program is created specifically for those of you looking to get absolutely shredded in only 6 weeks.

Impossible, you say?

For other programs, probably so, but not this one.

Our 6 week cut program utilizes a carb cycling diet and meal plan along with a hardcore training program that will help get those strong enough to survive it, chiseled, ripped, and shredded in only 6 weeks time.

How is that possible?

It’s time to find out!

Recommended Carb Cycling Diet Supplement Stack


Consuming enough protein is essential to retaining lean mass and recovering from your intense workouts when dieting.

ISOLIT is a delicious-tasting, ultra-premium protein powder supplying 25 grams of high quality whey protein isolate in each serving.

Ape Sh*t Cutz

Ape Sh*t Cutz is a high-energy thermogenic pre workout formulated to boost metabolism, encourage fat burning, and enhance workout performance to help increase calorie burning during training.

6 Week Carb Cycling Diet

Getting shredded isn’t just about trimming a few calories here and there. To drop fat fast will require a few other nutrition tactics that aren’t for the weak minded. Namely, dropping your calorie intake and experimenting with a carb cycling diet and meal plan.

For the next six weeks you’ll be following a carb cycling diet with very low carbohydrate intake three days per week. 

Basically, you’re daily carb intake each day of the next six weeks will be:

  • Monday = 150g carbs
  • Tuesday = 50g carbs
  • Wednesday = 50g carbs
  • Thursday = 150g carbs
  • Friday = 50g carbs
  • Saturday = 250g carbs
  • Sunday = 50g carbs

Note: Carb allowances listed above are in regards to “net carbs”, that is the number of carbs remaining after fiber has been subtracted.

Think of the diet as an intro of sorts to the low-carb/no-carb keto lifestyle. Most days, you’ll be well within the carb “limit” of typical keto diets, but once per week (Saturday) you get to do a carb “refeed” of sorts to help replenish glycogen and keep you mentally sane while you’re racing towards Shredsville.

Mondays and Thursdays will be lower carb days but not fully low-carb. The reason for this (as you’ll soon see) is that your two leg workouts are on Mondays and Thursdays. In order to bring your best to these workouts and survive to lift another day, you’ll need some fuel.

As a side note, you’d be wise to place your carb intake on those days before and after your workout where the carbs will be used to enhance performance and then replenish glycogen and support muscle growth after your workout.

Carb Cycling Diet Foods

Any and all protein and fats are on the table for the next 6 weeks. This includes:

  • Beef
  • Bacon
  • Chicken
  • Pork
  • Eggs (and yolks!)
  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Mackerel
  • Shrimp
  • Avocado
  • Olive Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Macadamia Nuts
  • Pistachios
  • And many others!

Foods (i.e. CARBS) that you want to avoid unless you’re in the post workout window (or Sunday refeed) are:

  • Sweet potatoes
  • Russet potatoes
  • Any fruits outside of blueberries or strawberries
  • Breads
  • Pastas
  • Ice Cream
  • Candy
  • Sugary drinks

Maintaining this ultra-low carbohydrate intake keeps insulin levels low, which ramps up fat burning in the body, and limits fat storage. The end result is faster fat loss!

Carb Cycling Diet Macros

To calculate how many calories you need to lose fat over the next six weeks, read our comprehensive guide to calculating your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). This guide will provide you with everything you need to know to estimate how many calories you should be eating each day.

Carb Cycling Workout Plan Overview

When you want to get shredded, you’re going to have to go hard with your diet and training...really, REALLY hard. No simple 5x5 or bro-tastic split is going to do the job. Jaw-dropping results are earned with a lot of grit, determination and hard work. So, get ready for some of the most intense training you’ve ever done.

You’ll be using timed sets, supersets, rest-pause sets, and drop sets. Basically, we’re going to throw everything your muscles can handle (and then some more) to crank up your metabolic engine and fry fat fast!

Resistance Training Workout Overview

These training sessions will utilize a number of different training methods including, but not limited to supersets, timed sets, rest-pause sets, drop sets, and more. 

Not familiar with some of these methods of madness?

Here’s a quick explainer on them:

Superset:  Two exercises performed back-to-back with as little rest as possible between the exercises

Timed Set: Start with a weight you can normally lift for 15 reps. Complete as many reps as possible within the given timeframe. You may rest as often as needed, but do NOT completely stop until the timer dings. Ugly, half reps don’t count either. Use good form and control the weight up and down. When you hit the target number of reps, the next workout increase the load by 5 to 10 pounds

Drop Set: Perform the prescribed number of reps for an exercise. Immediately set the weight down, reduce the weight by 20-30% and rep out to failure.

Rest-Pause Set: Select a weight you can do for 10 reps. Each rest-pause set, you’ll have a rep goal between 20-30 reps (depending on the exercise). At the start of each set, perform as many clean, controlled repetitions as possible until you are about to miss a rep. Set the weight down for 5-10 seconds and then perform another “mini-set” of reps until you fatigue once again. Keep repeating this until you hit the rep goal.

Rest-Pause Sets are similar to timed sets, but the rep number is lower and the intensity of the weight selected is higher.


Over the next six weeks, you’ll be doing a mix of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) as well as steady-state cardio. Traditional weight loss programs would have you do just one or the other….but this isn’t any other old weight loss program, this carb cycling workout plan and diet and workout program is designed to get you shredded, and that means using all the tools available.

Each week you’ll gradually increase the duration and frequency of your steady-state cardio to maximize calorie burn and etch the physique of a cover model. Cardio sessions are to be done either completely separate from your weight training session (AM and PM) or immediately after your weightlifting session, if you can’t make room for two workouts in a single day.

  • Week 1: 15 minutes, 3x/week
  • Week 2: 15 minutes, 4x/week
  • Week 3: 20 minutes, 4x/week
  • Week 4: 25 minutes, 4x/week
  • Week 5: 30 minutes, 4x/week
  • Week 6: 35 minutes, 5x/week
  • 6 Week Training Program

    Monday - Lower Body A








    120 sec

    Walking Lunges


    8 reps / leg

    90 sec

    Leg Press (drop set on set #3)



    60 sec

    Leg Curl (superset with calf raises)



    0 sec

    Seated Calf Raises



    0 sec

    Tuesday - Upper Body A





    Low-incline Dumbbell Press (superset with Pull Ups)



    0 sec

    Pull Ups (add weight if necessary)



    90 sec

    Decline Dumbbell Press, neutral grip (superset with dumbbell rows)



    0 sec

    Bent Over DB Row, neutral trip



    90 sec

    Incline DB curl (timed set - 5 mins)



    90 sec

    Skullcrushers (drop set on set #3)



    60 sec

    Wednesday - Bodyweight Circuit

    Two days of heavy lifting down and you get a break from the weights for today, but that doesn’t mean you get a break from training. In addition to your steady-state cardio for the day, you’ll also be performing a bodyweight circuit to rev up your metabolic engine while you recover from the previous two days of lifting.

    Perform the following circuit a total of 5 times. Move from one exercise to the next with as little rest as possible between movements. After a full round is complete, rest 90 seconds and repeat until finished.

    Bodyweight 100s Circuit

    • Bodyweight squats - 20 reps
    • Push ups - 20 reps
    • Forward Lunges - 10 reps / leg (20 reps total)
    • Inverted Rows - 20 reps
    • Reverse Lunges - 10 reps / leg (20 reps total)

    Thursday - Lower Body B





    Back Squats (timed set - 5 min)



    120 sec

    Goblet Squat (superset with step ups)



    0 sec

    Step Ups



    90 sec

    Romanian Deadlifts (drop set on sets #3 and #4)



    60 sec

    Standing Calf Raises (rest-pause style)



    60 sec

    Friday - Upper Body B





    Military Press (superset with T-Bar Row)



    0 sec

    T-Bar Row



    90 sec

    Dips (timed set - 5 min)



    120 sec

    Chin Ups (timed set - 5 min)



    120 sec

    Rope Pushdowns (superset with rope hammer curls)



    0 sec

    Rope Hammer Curls



    60 sec

    Saturday - Barbell Complex

    Saturday is your barbell complex conditioning day. Load up the bar with one weight, pick up the bar, and DO NOT set it down until you finish one round of the complex. Then, rest 2-4 minutes and perform the complex again for a total of
    5 rounds.

    Week 1 you will rest 3 minutes between each round. Each week that you repeat the workout, remove 10-15 seconds of rest each time, so that by week 6, you are only resting a maximum of 2 minutes between rounds.

    For your complex, you’ll be doing one of the most well-known (and equally feared) complexes ever created.

    The Bear Complex

    • Power clean 7 reps
    • Front squat 7 reps
    • Push press 7 reps
    • Back squat 7 reps
    • Push press 7 reps

    Complete 3-5 rounds. Rest 3 minutes between sets.

    If this program hasn’t scared you away yet, get going! You’ve got 6 grueling weeks to get absolutely shredded.


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