Arm Workout


bodybuilding biceps gym workout


What is the first body part you think of when you hear the word Bodybuilding? For many it is Biceps, and for good reason. Arnold put bodybuilding on the map in a much larger way and what was he known for, massive biceps. Lets be real everyone loves a good biceps pump so here is a killer bodybuilding biceps workout for you to try the next time you are at the gym.

Bodybuilding Biceps Gym Workout Below:

Straight Bar Biceps Curls - 4 x 20

Bodybuilding Biceps - Standing Straight Bar Biceps Curls

To do a standing straight bar biceps curl the right way, we must first get into the right position. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the barbell with your palms facing up and your hands about shoulder-width apart or in a comfortable position on the bar. Try to keep your hands close to your sides and in as you move through the exercise. Remember that we want to work our biceps, not our shoulders, so don't push your elbows too far forward. Curl the barbell slowly up to your chest. At the top of each rep, flex and squeeze your biceps before slowly lowering the bar back to the starting position.

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Incline Dumbbell Biceps Curls - 4 x 20

Bodybuilding Biceps - Incline Dumbbell Biceps Curls

Place your back against an inclined bench and hold dumbbells in each hand. Keep your arms straight down at your sides with your palms pointing forward. Slowly curl the dumbbells up toward your shoulders. To better focus on the biceps contraction, keep your arms still and don't move them forward. When you get to the top of the exercise, make sure to flex your biceps before you safely lower the weight to the starting position. Keep your hands facing forward the whole time. Don't put them back in a neutral position to keep the tension on your biceps.

Alternating Dumbbell Biceps Curls - 4 x 10 (each arm)

Bodybuilding Biceps - Alternating Dumbbell Biceps Curls

Hold a dumbbell in each hand while standing with your feet about shoulder-width apart and your arms straight down at your sides. Curl one dumbbell up toward your shoulder while turning it so that your hands are facing the sky. At the top of your movement, flex your biceps. Then, safely bring your arm back to your side and back to a neutral grip. As soon as the first dumbbell is back where it started, start curling the other dumbbell. Again, make sure to flex your arms at the top of the movement before returning safely to the starting position. Keep doing this back and forth until you've reached the number of reps you want.

Alternating Hammer Curls - 4 x 10 (each arm)


Stand with a dumbbell in each hand, hands facing in toward your body, arms at your sides. Curl one dumbbell up toward your shoulder. Don't turn the dumbbell; keep your hands facing inward. Make sure to flex your arms at the top of the exercise before going back to the starting position. As soon as you put the first dumbbell in the starting position, curl the next dumbbell in the same way. Switch between your left and right arms until you hit your desired reps.

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Straight Bar Cable Biceps Curls - 4 x AMRAP (as many reps as possible)


Stand in front of a machine with a low pulley and a straight bar connected to it. Hold the straight bar with your hands facing up and find a width that feels good to you. Curl the bar slowly toward your chest while keeping your arms close to your sides. Make sure to flex your biceps at the top of the move before going back to the starting position. Repeat until you reach the number of reps you want. As Many Reps as Possible (AMRAP) is what this program calls for, so curl until your biceps are fatigued and can no longer safely perform the exercise.

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